Monday, April 6, 2009

The Dark Side of Food...

Happy Monday, Blog Readers & Foodie People!

Last week, my wonderful assistant Gail's partner, Steve, was in quite a pickle. Gail was worried. Apparently, Steve spent most of his sleeptime in the bathroom, sick from "some stomach condition."

If this has ever happened to you (it did to me back in 2006), one knows there are not enough gods in the world at that very moment to whom to pray. Without re-living or explaining the agony of FOOD POISONING, I do want to pass on a non-medical/temporary fix that worked for me.

TWO TABLESPOONS OF APPLE CIDER VINEGAR relieves your stomach from producing more acid to combat the offending food. Yup, gulp it down quickly. Then, ALWAYS brush your teeth and rinse well as apple cider vinegar straight can compromise the enamel on your teeth. Seek immediate medical attention ASAP if you ever suspect you have encountered food poisoning. Rest and recuperation time are imperative. A proper doctor may assist you in diagnosis of your recent dietary intake or stomach condition. I am not a doctor so take this tidbit as such.

Apple cider vinegar, by the way, is wonderful in a bath. Just add one cup or so to your warm tubby, bathe as usual, and dry off. Your skin will be smoother (you will stop smelling like a salad within minutes).

Handling food is not "rocket science." Some basic rules for everyone:
1. "When in doubt, throw it out!"
2. Do not cross-contaminate food (i.e. cut raw chicken, then cut bread on the same board with the same knife).
3. Check all expiration dates. Do not thaw frozen meats over produce bins.
4. Hold cooked and raw foods at their appropriate temperatures.
5. Continue to learn about all proper food handling regimens.

Take care of you today. May the start of your week be filled with "good food and a heaping helping of fun with joy on the side ;-)."

Your Maine Innkeeper,
Naples, Maine
35 degrees and climbing!

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