Friday, October 22, 2010

My Mom comes for a Visit...

Greetings, Blog Friends in CyberLand.

My Mom (Elaine) came to visit yesterday (she's upstairs in the GLENN MILLER SUITE sleeping now). We enjoyed an afternoon of baking Hermit Bars and Grapenut Custard for our guests from the United Kingdom (they've been here 7 days; sweet as can be--their last request for breakfast is Maine Blueberry Pancakes, of course!). Of course, my Mom came up with her Rav4 packed with goodies for me (mostly kitchen items from my Grandmother's condo). We spent some time sorting through what I could actually use.

A lot has gone down in my personal life lately and I guess that I am thankful that a full inn and these things are not running against each other. As the Foliage/Fall season winds down slowly, I look forward to just being "quiet" and still. Time to re-center, re-group, rest, and intend my path ahead. I don't know of any innkeeper that is not feeling tired from their hard work during Summer and Fall. Innkeeping is a noble calling but, if done right, it will kick you on your butt!!

My own computer is in the shop at the moment (the screen went bye-bye) so to share any images from JB's visit to Maine, or my reunion with my oldest friend on the planet (Bob), or gorgeous Fall in Maine, will have to wait for later blog entries.

This is a perfect time of year to bake and cook. Aromas seem highlighted against the coolness of the Autumn air. Look for more home cooking tips in the near future.

Keith A. Neubert

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