Friday, February 22, 2013

The Promise that Lies within Peace & Now....

"Welcome back!"

I say this as much to myself as I do to you out in cyberspace who bless me with your time and attention to my writing about life as an Innkeeper in Western Maine. My last posting was a surprisingly over 7 months ago. To the lovely people who have supported me with their show of support of this blog since that time, writing "Thank You" would never be adequate.

It is now 2013 and the old calendar and days of last year are put away and gone. Their lessons, if we have allowed, have made us better people. Those days---those stories of each happiness, each challenge, and our triumphs and losses, have made (or are still making) us each more complete in ourselves. Did I do everything as perfect as a detailed hotelier might? Heck, NO! Did I try my best? Bet your Banana Bread, I did!

When I look ahead at the year to come, a blotter on my desk indicates many fresh, clean white spaces of dates. All squares waiting for notes, comments, and appointments to adorn them. Perhaps some creative idea will come to mind when chatting on the phone, or sparked by a newspaper article (I haven't watched TV in over a year so life is nice and quiet these days.) This  calendar that seems newly-born at this time will be a scrapbook of the year when the year has reached its end. I will refer back to it as  I prepare for next year. New annivesaries or responsibilities may become routine in the future. Nonetheless, time runs on. We can lose its potential, or use its potential, granted in every moment.

And, so....7 months pf choices have transpired since this "Flour Bin Philosopher" wrote any other than a grocery list. I think about why I write this blog in the first place. You see,.....for me, a place of peace exists in the very place of baking. While being the steward of this massive home can sometimes be a little more than "challenging" for me with its myriad of details, baking and cooking become the place where I retreat to a state of nirvana. Surrounded by the absolute beauty of Western Maine's Lakes & Mountains, putting myself in that state becomes like a habit of meditation. It is a place of challenge for me. And...the results? Well, they came be spiritually relaxing and deliciously yummy! When you are in a state of peace, clarity & creativity dance together.Chaos becomes the foreign presence...and not the daily norm played to a din in your fast-paced existence.

I love the simple line in the movie "Nanny McPhee" when she says to the Bride-to-be two words to calm her: "Deep breathes." Really, what she is saying is find that place that brings peace to the fore. It may be a song, a hobby, a physical movement. Go there and you will find more than peace---if cooking is your place, recipes will be coming to you in the coolest ways---a friend might need you to assist in planning a splashy party in the near future---you might even be asked to teach someone one of your specialities. When you speak up for change in yourself, you have the power and privelege of being able to transform the lives around you in such amazing ways. If this is new to you, start simple. A kind, warm hello to YOURSELF in the mirror is an excellent place to come alive!

For the year ahead, I will share my story with you as 2013 leaves its days into the past. Some hold glory and magic. Some days, it will be about the stubbling toe-hurting lessons of " another guy trying to get through life." I retain the right to flavor with bit of "strangely-Keith humor" and to sift liberally with truth borne from new experiences. And...without fail, I promise as few calories as possible along the way.

I, again, thank you for walking beside me during this journey. See you soon.

Keith A. Neubert